vdaman18, Mar 18 2008
Alright, so i started playing poker a little while ago , but never serious, just messing around. 50 bucks here and there, would always end up losing it, cause i never payed too much attention to actually learning the game. About a month ago i decided to actually try poker for real, and deposited 500$. I played seriously and tried actually grinding tables, after two weeks of being up and down i came out at about 750. Then I again stopped trying to play the game right, and would sit for a few minutes at the end of the night, and try to win fast / big, would end up winning some but eventually playing like an idiot and end up tilting. Also tried playing high stakes tourneys without a big roll to back it up, always busted before getting into the money. I didnt even pay attention too much to my bank roll, and im now down to about 140. I really wana take poker seriously now, actually put time into grinding slowly but surely, and learning the game. I think blogging might get me a little more motivated to try and become a better player.
Also, if any one can give me any advice for a newby, or mention some good articles / videos i should take a look at, id appreciate it. And if anyone knows me, i was not0rious / star.not0 on euro / iccup. I finally uninstalled sc, and now going to go for poker. Ill keep you posted on how it goes. Mainly for my sakes
- peaseeee